Sonar Keel Repair
Boston Yacht Club has a great Sonar Sailing program - and they are an aggressive group - notice the bumper on the bow of their boat here. It's Required!

Banging around in the Ocean off Marblehead, the keel kinda tore away at the hull of this one - Check out this video of what was happening:
Kinda Scary, huh?!
And here are the areas inside that had Broken:

From the cockpit sole, you could get to the back side of the broken floor timber, kinda...

So we used the Multimaster to make room for a sister floor timber on the aft side...

Sawing through the cockpit seat supports on each side...

Made sure the top of the center support was firmly adhered to the bottom of the cockpit...

Bolted the fwd and aft sister with lots of 5200...

And Voila! Plenty of support for the keel now! Tabbed onto the hull and painted... Not too extensive a job, just functional so people can beat these boats up with Impunity!

Some work to make things more fair...

And make sure the stress cracks don't show up after we're done...

A little help to the top of the rudder...

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