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A Little History...about this 72 year old USN Lifeboat...

We like History - History, Local History, and Local History About Boats, and about One Boat in particular... Here is one article written seven years ago in the Manchester Cricket...

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" In 1953, Burrage Woodberry, an employee at Manchester Marine boat yard purchased a 26 foot double-ended open whale boat which had been built in 1942 as a utility craft for the U.S. Navy. During World War II, she was shipped overseas as part of America's Lend Lease Program, and saw service with the British navy.

When Woodberry stumbled upon the WWII survivor he immediately saw its potential as a family boat. For the next three years he rebuilt the sturdy little craft, adding a cabin and installing a galley, stove and bunks. In 1956, proudly bearing her new name, Gremlin was launched and for the past 50 summers has served as the weekend home for three generations of the Woodberry clan as they cruised from Manchester Down East along the coast of Maine.

The story of the Gremlin is just one of he many included in the current exhibit at the Historical Society's Trask House. The Exhibit - Fishermen, Boat Builders and Salt Water Sailors - is informative and fun for all ages. The exhibit is open at no charge Mondy Through Thursday, 10:30am to 1:30pm through September 27. It also open Thursday evenings, 5:30-7:30pm, and Saturdays, 12:00 noon to 3:00 pm. during August only."

The original crew:

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Gremlin is 73 years young. More generations are sailing on her all the time... More to come...


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